
Found a home in Paris,

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Crystals, Resin, Acrylic, Beads, Posca, wood on WOOD

100 x 100 cms (maximum width)


A commissopned work that came magically after I had seen a few peacocks and had intended to make one! 😀 Everything is connected, there are signs everywhere and everything happens for us not to us! 🙂 Also, this artwork is adorned with 7 chakra crystals… Clear quartz, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Green jade, Citrine, Orange Calcite and Red Jasper to help healing of the chakras!

The peacock spirit animal is the epitome of beauty. This graceful power animal offers lessons about self-love, honor, integrity and the importance of facing life’s challenges as well as the unknown with courage and confidence. When the peacock struts gracefully into your life you may be entering a time of rebirth. (Taken from